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20% OFF RonyaSoft Poster Printer Kupon September 2024

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Professional huge poster printing software, allows users to use a common home printer to divide a huge picture into multiple pictures, and then stitch it into a perfect huge poster

RonyaSoft Poster Printer is a professional poster designing and printing software on Windows. It is a powerful and straightforward way to print large images, such as posters, banners, photo murals, billboards, and so on. This software is very simple, small, and easy to use, but it has extraordinary ability.

You only need an image file or scanner; open or import it from the scanner and set the output size. Regardless of the image size, you can print or export it as needed. RonyaSoft Poster Printer also provides some essential image editing tools, which allow you to set and adjust images as required.

RonyaSoft Poster Printer is very friendly. It requires no experience or skills to be qualified to use it, and it is easy for beginners and professionals to use it. RonyaSoft Poster Printer supports any standard picture and graphic format, including BMP, dib, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tiff, WMF, and emf. It works with almost all scanners, cameras, and printers.

RonyaSoft Poster Printer features:
–Various professional pre-designed templates
–Built-in templates and clip art libraries
–Export to multiple image formats
–Powerful editing tools and multi-page printing function
–Print the master with customizable layout options
–WYSIWYG editor
–Multiple languages interface
–and more


Kommentare (4)
Rezension schreiben
  • This poster printer allows me to print huge posters at home conveniently. No complicated operation, great results. Nice program.
    Auf diesen Beitrag antworten
  • I can handle this program easily, for it has a clear and intuitive interface, very easy to understand. I purchased it for home use, and really have had lots of fun with it, though it costs much ink :p
    Auf diesen Beitrag antworten
  • Our company bought this software to print samples of our displays, and it does save us a large amount of money in printing. It is very easy to use, we have no trouble using it. Just one thing, it doesn’t support PDF files as import format.
    Auf diesen Beitrag antworten
  • as for me is good program.
    besides more fresh versions here http://www.colormango.com/product/ronyasoft-poster-printer_86413.html
    Auf diesen Beitrag antworten

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